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The Rock accused of using steroids by UFC legend and self-confessed drug cheat

UFC legend Chael Sonnen is disappointed with Joe Rogan for not discussing steroids during his recent interview with The Rock.

Last year, the UFC commentator and popular podcaster implored The Rock – real name Dwayne Johnson – to 'come clean' about using performance-enhancing drugs.

The WWE icon, who comes from a family of wrestlers, has always insisted he is totally natural, but Sonnen finds that hard to believe because he is sporting an extremely impressive physique at 51 years

‘The American Gangster’, who is open about cheating during his MMA career, is sure Johnson is juicing and keeping it a secret from his fans.

In 2014, Sonnen tested positive for Anastrozole and Clomiphene after his therapeutic use exemption (TUE) for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) was revoked ahead of his UFC 175 fight with Vitor Belfort.

Unlike most fighters, Sonnen admitted to using the drugs he tested positive for but stressed that he informed the relevant parties about what he was taking and why.


"Steroids, which is something The Rock has denied. His father denied, his uncles denied, the whole family's denied,” Sonnen said in a video posted on his YouTube channel.

“In all fairness, it wouldn't be that big of a deal if you weren't out there telling people about nutrition and telling people about your diet, telling people about your workouts."

“As soon as you start doing that and try to influence and motivate and bring people along the journey, but you lie to them about the journey, right?

“I mean, he's Liver King. You're Liver King all over again. It's the exact same thing."

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Liver King – real name Brian Johnson – is a fitness influencer who claimed he got jacked by following an "ancestral lifestyle", which includes eating large amounts of raw meat.

In December 2021, he admitted to spending $11,000 on steroids every month and apologised after repeatedly denying using drugs to get shredded in his mid-forties.

The Rock often shares workout videos alongside motivational messages for his followers, but there is no suggestion he is using PEDs as Sonnen has alluded to.

It remains to be seen whether he will address continued yet unproven steroid allegations.
