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The Most Painful Criticism That Has Stuck With Jennifer Lopez For Years

Reflecting on her career, Jennifer Lopez said in a panel discussion, "It was different people in my life at different times that were like 'You are good at this" (via Hola). Lopez recalled, "I'd go into studios and I'd be like 'Well I'm not a great singer,' and they're like 'What are you talking about?'" When she countered with "Well I don't sing like Aretha Franklin," she was told "It doesn't matter. You sing like Jennifer Lopez and people love it." A lot of people. 

Lopez described those conversations as "moments [that] you remember," explaining "people, they just plant a seed for you to look at yourself in a better way. And it's those moments that just — you keep going." In November 2018, People reported that she mused, "You know, I've really become — and I think from being in this business, I don't let the opinion of others really influence how I think about myself." Even so, Lopez did not develop that positive outlook overnight, admitting that it "took a long time," and she felt "really bad about" herself early in her career.

When her first movie Selena and debut album On the 6 became hits, Lopez told herself "I'm killing it," but she did have some haters who bluntly claimed, "She can't sing, she can't dance, she can't act, she's just some pretty face or her butt is big." When she heard those digs, Lopez believed the remarks, carrying the hurt "for a long time." 
